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Presentation video of the production facilities of the furniture company ESTETICA

Video presenting "Technopark of Mordovia" at the exhibition "Open Innovations"

Shooting promotional materials for the SHOW "DANCES" ON TNT / EGOR DRUZHININ'S TEAM together with Pro Production Studios

Image video for ROLF Premium

AntiGravity yoga for A-One channel

Commissioned by United Concrete Canvas Russia

Trailer of the film about the photographer Vladimir Shirokov

Image video for Meucci clothing

Image film for the brand

Image video for Meucci clothing

Video review of the ISUZU light truck test complex  with major competitors.

Image film for the brand

Shooting with Chroma Key

Shooting a new Clasna collection together  with Pro Production Studios

IP Gorokhov Pavel Pavlovich

TIN 773132772877



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